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from Virtual Open House
Up to 15 aerial images, arrow included, no text as per MLS rules
Video clip from ourdrone, sliced to fully licensed music, ready for social media, MLS, and beyond.
Enviornmental flyby of the area and the lot itself. Includes one establishing clip with outline of the lot bounderies
We will email you a link to the delivery page where all the media will be displayed. You will have access to the links for MLS's Realtor Tab, and Download ZIP file of all the images for MLS and for print size.
Unless it's an all day rain - exterior photos are still possible in between preiods of rain. We photoshop blue sky and the even light provided by the cloud cover produces a very compelling exterior photo. 80% of the time we are still able to shoot during rain.
The most basic things we ask is to:
Becuase we have a particular workflow that keeps us busy during the day and our eidting process in the evening, we can only delivery the next day at the soonest.
To download the media you will be required to submit a payment using any major cards.
Real Estate Photography and Media Experts
Serving Florida Agents since 2018
Orlando, Florida
© Copyright 2024 by Virtual Open House LLC