Real Estate Video

Serving Florida's Real Estate Agents and Brokers since 2018










This section is under construction, you can browse our YouTube playlist of some videos we've posted over the years

Essentially there are two types of videos:



Standard is the walkthrough style video with simple cuts, speed ramps, and licensed music

Deluxe has advnaced scene transitions, creative speed ramps, and is cut to fit the music.


More Than Just Photos—A Production Team at Your Service


Great photography starts with great composition. Our photographers focus on framing each shot to showcase a home’s unique charm and potential. With an expert eye, attention to detail, and cutting-edge tools, they craft visual stories that draw buyers in and help listings stand out—and sell


You wouldn't let a homeowner sell their home on their own, would you? That’s why we rely on professional editors to elevate every shot into stunning visuals. Our editors bring expertise, creativity, and precision to every project, ensuring the final product exceeds expectations. This collaboration is how we achieve synergy, focusing on what we each do best to deliver exceptional results every time."


Your order is in expert hands. The Production Manager ensures a seamless process, from preparing everything for the smooth handoff of digital raw photos from the photographer to the editor, to delivering the polished images to your inbox the very next day. This role keeps our operation running like a well-oiled machine, delivering consistent and dependable results..




Our base price for only photos is $197 for homes up to 2700 sqft, which includes up to 55 photos delivered the next day.

If your final photo count exceeds 60, an Expansion Pack will be added to your invoice. Each Expansion Pack includes an additional block of 20 photos for $47. For larger homes over 2700 sqft, an Expansion Pack is also added for every additional 333 sqft.

Important: You’re not purchasing the photos themselves—our pricing covers the photographer’s time and a media license for commercial use on MLS and other platforms. (Read more about licensing below.)

Absolutely! We go the extra mile to make your listing shine. Along with your photos, you’ll get a complimentary slideshow video—on the house! Just one small favor: since it’s free, please keep tweaks to a minimum [a photo or two is fine, but let’s not make it a habit, okay? :)]

All prices are for homes up to 2700 sqft. If your house is extreamly small, we are still allocating time for the house on our calendar. It is up to photographer's discression but on case-by-case basis we do offer 10% off for small spaces, for example a one bedroom condo would probably get 10% off.

We will add an Expansion Pack, $47 for every aditional 333 sqft

We will email you a link to the delivery page where all the media will be displayed. You will have access to the links for MLS's Realtor Tab, and Download ZIP file of all the images for MLS and for print size.

Unless it's an all day rain - exterior photos are still possible in between preiods of rain. We photoshop blue sky and the even light provided by the cloud cover produces a very compelling exterior photo. 80% of the time we are still able to shoot during rain.

Include Owner's Email and Name and we will email them the following instructions for basic, no headache prep.

The most basic things we ask is to:

  1. Clear the driveway, don't park directly across the house.
  2. Clear the countertops as much as you can both in bathrooms and the kitchen.
  3. Depersonalize to a degree of your comfort. Camera will see your family photos, etc
  4. Hide your papertowel roll and a trashbin from the kitchen.
  5. Don't leave anything in the sink, we'll see inside at some point.

Becuase we have a particular workflow that keeps us busy during the day and our eidting process in the evening, we can only delivery the next day at the soonest.

To download the media you will be required to submit a payment using any major cards.

Real Estate Photography and Media Experts

Serving Florida Agents since 2018



Orlando, Florida

© Copyright 2024 by Virtual Open House LLC